Sunday, December 9, 2007
Okay, this is our christmas tree! Cool huh! Too bad the picture of Nathan and me turned out blurry. Oh well. We did egg nog, shortbread cookies, and perry como christmas cd while we decorated. It was pretty fun. Alex has been pretty cute tonight. Dancing and singing and all.
Well, we're going to watch a christmas movie now. Adios!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Okay, so it's not quite as big as yours Joanne, but I'm only 2 months. We're having triplets for sure. haha! I can't write a whole lot right now cause Nathan's gone and Alex wants all my attention. So, this year's christmas shopping has proven to be pretty easy so far. I know what I'm getting everybody and I've gotten quite a bit done already. This drawing names thing was a good idea. I can't wait for christmas! It's going to be awesome!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I haven't posted for a while cause I've been so sick. This is usually my nap time but I can't sleep. I think this one might be a lot of whining so I'm sorry. Yesterday I went to Walmart and I was feeling pretty good when I was heading out but then having to push the cart around, walk all over, and put things in the cart wore me out so fast. By the time I got to the register I was hanging onto the cart to keep myself up and trying not to throw up. I think the cashier and everyone around that were staring thought I was probably really sick or something. I got a lot of weird looks. So, I think I'm not going to go to Walmart by myself for a while. Dillons I can handle cause it's like a block away. Oh, and poor Nathan lately hasn't gotten hardly any good homecooked meals. He's been so good about it though. He really feels sorry for me and doesn't really care that the house is always a disaster and I'm always too tired or sick to do certain duties.
On another note. We had a good stay with Nathan's mom and grandma here. I think they had fun too. I think it kind of helped that his grandma was there because then his mom had someone to hang out with when Nathan's on the computer and Alex and I were taking our naps. We went to the mall and out to eat a lot. Monna, Nathan's grandma, would not take no for an offer when it came to paying for stuff. And she kept giving it to us and wouldn't let us give it back. I guess she just wanted to spoil us a little. They just loved Alex and I think he really liked all the attention. I think he's kind of bored now that life's back to normal.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Mom, Dad, Jillian, and Josh are coming out. It should be a lot of fun. I was just going to get a couple rotisserie chickens from dillons but Mom offered to make a turkey and bring it. How awesome is that! I think she just feels bad for me. I'm going to make a pumpkin pie and pink, pretty cranberry salad, a veggie tray, green beans, and mashed tators. I think that'll be good. I have no clue how to make gravy, but maybe Mom can help me. Oh, she's bringing her awesome stuffing too. That's one of my favorite things about thanksgiving food. I think Alex is going to be having a lot of fun tomorrow. I hope I can get enough sleep tonight to feel good tomorrow.
Oh, Alex just had his eighteen month appt. on Monday. It went awesome. I was so happy. I had been worried that he still didn't weigh enough, but he is actually in a percentile now. He's in the third for his weight, the fifth for his height, and the seventyfifth for his head. He does have a giant noggin. He said that all of his skills are good. I was a little worried about his speech, but the doctor says he's good. He knows daddy, jet, thank you, doggy, jiji for mommy, hi, and then I can understand a few things he says just cause I'm around him so much. It's crazy though just how many words he knows but can't say. It seems like everyday there is a new one. The other day I told him to get his hat and, expecting to get a blank stare, he went to get it. Yesterday, I said where's your bottom? And, he patted his bottom. It was so cute. Oh, and he got a couple shots too. He screamed and cried, but he didn't get a fever or anything from them. I think he got hep A and flu and I don't remember the other one.
Okay, I think that's good for now.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Okay, so I forgot to rotate some of the pics and don't know if I can do it on here. The grasshoppers are just funny. Nathan caught them doing it so I had to get a pic. Our pumpkins are awesome. I made the girl and the baby pumpkins and Nathan made the scary one that's puking. And, of course, we have Alex in the halloween costume I worked so hard on. Isn't it cute. It took a lot of work and I'm really happy with how it turned out. We took him around trick or treating last night. First, we went around in our neighborhood. Nobody had their lights on and some that did looked so ghetto we didn't want to go to them. Sad, huh. So, we packed up and went over to some of Nathan's friends neighborhoods that are a lot nicer. We were going to do a lot more over there but we ended up talking to his friends most of the time. Alex was digging the whole trick or treating thing. He carried around his little bucket and thought it was cool people were putting things in it. At first he was kind of scared. He was holding on to my finger so tight and then by the end he went right up to the doors all on his own and waved at the people as he was leaving. He also loved his costume. At first when I was fitting it to him, seeing if I needed to make it shorter or whatever, he hated it and would scream and cry and run away from me. But, last night he really liked it. He was so cute. He went up to the mirror and stared at himself and rubbed his soft tummy. I think he thought he looked like a doggy. Anyway, we had hardly any trick or treaters last night and we bought a whole bunch of candy for it. So, we have a lot left over and it really has to disappear cause I just can't help myself when it's around. That's why I don't buy candy or snacks cause I'll eat them. Anyway, I've got to take my afternoon nap. Adios!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Okay, it's been a while since I've posted. The first two pics are of Alex in the elephant bib which he loves. He brings it to me for me to put it on him. Then we have one of Alex in Daddy's pants. He loved it. It was so cute. Then, our pregnancy test. Note, it says pregnant. Yeah! And, finally our entertainment center. Nice, huh. I'm still planning on putting some candle holders on the top part. Hopefully, I'll be posting a pic of Alex's halloween costume soon. I just have a few more things to do. So, all of the things I felt with Alex are starting to show up in this pregnancy. So far I'm not so sick, but I wasn't in the very beginning with Alex either. The peeing every five minutes has started with full force today. So annoying. This morning I threw up a little when I was brushing my teeth. Gross. And, also, I'm so tired all the time. Get worn out very easily. That is not so much fun when you have a little boy to take care of and a million projects and trying to keep the house clean. A lot of work. We are so excited that we're preggers though. I think Alex will be an awesome big brother. He loves to help out so much. Hopefully he'll stay that way till after the baby is born.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Okay this is our bedroom so far. Since Nathan punched a whole in the wall we've decided to paint it fairly soon. We're thinking a tan color. We just got the curtains hung up the other day. I love the curtains! They turned out awesome and are the perfect fabric for our bedroom. There are still a few more things I want to do for the room. Like, I'm going to make a table runner for my vanity which isn't in any of the pictures because it doesn't look very nice right now. Also, Nathan's going to attempt to make some nightstands for us. I think he's a little jealous of me being all crafty and having so many projects so he wants to try it out and make something for us. Right now we only have one nightstand and it's super ugly. I have a couple lamps picked out at Gordmans I want to get after he makes them. Oh, and I started today. Sucks. I blame it on being in Salina for those five days right after I ovulated. Well, we'll be working extra hard this month on making a baby. Should be fun!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The pictures are a little out of order. It's been a while since I've posted anything and I have some cool things to post. The most exciting thing is the dishwasher! I love it! We just got it put in yesterday. They were awesome! And, it's really nice to have the washing machine in the garage next to the dryer. We're planning on putting some countertops in next. The guy that did our plumbing gave us the name and number of a guy that I guess does an awesome job and doesn't charge a lot. We were pretty thankful for that. Oh, the picture of Alex in the big box is our dishwasher box. The plumber brought it in and cut little windows in it. Alex loves it. There are a couple pics from Jenna's wedding too. Don't Nathan and I look hot together. Oh, and when I got back from watching Jilli and Josh, Nathan had my laptop waiting for me. So, that's what I'm typing on right now. It's so awesome! I think Nathan's gotten a lot more use out of it than I have. He even put a gun picture as the background. I'm just glad he wasn't upset at my reaction. Which was, "are you kidding me"! He changed it back right after that. I made some curtains for our bedroom. They look awesome and go perfect in our bedroom. I'm going to post pictures of them as soon as the Nathan gets the other curtain rod up. He got a little frustrated hanging the first one. The hardware they have with it was really crappy and kept breaking on him so he punched a hole in the wall. He had to patch it up and it takes a long time for the putty stuff to dry. So, I'm hoping he'll get the other one hung today. He ran out to lowes and got some better quality hardware and the other one went up so easily. Nathan's being all crafty and is going to try and make us some nightstands. Next, we'll have to paint in our room. Oh, and I found the perfect border at lowes to put up in Alex's room. It has like three different fighter jets on it and as soon as Alex saw it he got so excited. So, I think we'll get paint to match it. I can't decide where to hang it though. Any suggestions? Oh, I've kind of started on Alex's costume and the fabric I got is awesome. It's so soft and it's going to look super cute. Nathan's going on an overnight charter flight tomorrow night so I think I'll work on it more then. His job seems to be going really good lately. I think he's been feeling a lot more appreciated and needed. Oh, and I'm supposed to get a visit from aunt flo around the 21st so hopefully she doesn't come to visit. I think I'm going to be really upset if she does. We've been seeing babies everywhere lately and I really want a new little baby. I know Alex will love having a brother or sister. Oh, and since this is probably the last baby we'll have Nathan and I decided we want to wait and see what it is. Especially since neither one of us really care either way. Keep your fingers crossed for us. Oh, and Joy you need to get preggers too!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Okay, finally, these are the pictures from our trip! Sorry it took so long to post them. I feel like our life is endlessly busy. Anyway, we had a really great time. The pictures are not in order by the way. First thing we did after we got checked into our hotel room was find the closest panda express and we went there to eat. We went to Joe's Crab shack for dinner and I gave Nathan his surprise. Which was a new ring. His old one gets scratched up really easily and he was kind of jealous of Jason's super cool ring. So, I figured this was the perfect time to get him one. The next day we went to Sea World. That was our favorite part of the whole trip. It was awesome! It's like a giant water zoo with rides. Way better than the one in San Antonio and Nathan says better than the one in San Diego too. We met Nathan's old roommate and his wife for dinner that night. The next day we went to a super nice mall. It has all kinds of crazy stores that I could barely afford to step foot in. Like, Lui vitton(sp?), Gucci, Tiffanys,jimmi choo. Crazy! I went into Lui vitton and Tiffanys. One guy in Tiffany's was so nice and came up and asked me if I needed help when everyone can tell I can't afford a thing in that store. After that we made the best mistake ever. We plugged into Nathan's gps on his phone to find the closest movie theatre. We wanted to see the Bourne Ultimatum. It took us down this street that turned into a funnel to 11 dollar parking garages for universal studio. The theatre was in there and there were no exits. You had to pay the parking. So, we went and it was so cool. We got Margaritas and walked around. We saw two movies that day. The Bourne Ultimatum and Transformers. They were both so awesome. And, when it was time to see those movies it just happened to start raining as we were walking in. And, when we went to eat dinner at Bubba gump shrimp it started raining as we were walking in also. The weather worked out perfect for us and it stopped raining in time for us to go swimming that night too. The next day we decided to go back to Universal studios and go to the theme park there. Which was an awesome decision. They had the coolest rides and it was an awesome time. We went out to dinner that night at Black Angus. The next day we went to play put put. Or as I called it golf golf. Then, we came home. It was an awesome trip! We're both so glad we did it and it something we'll always remember. I plan on doing more trips like that in the future. Maybe when the next baby's old enough. Haha!
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