Monday, November 24, 2008

A whole lot of pictures!

Well, I'm finally getting some pictures posted! We've got some from last night at our friend's Jason and Nicole's house. They have a tractor that Jason's been dying to take Alex for a ride on. They are the parents of the baby I watch. Too bad Nicole's turned away in the one picture we got of her. We had a really good evening. We went over to have some desert, get a tractor ride, and finally see where they live. They had their house built and since Jason does a lot of carpentry work he did most of the work on the inside himself which apparently saved them a lot of money. Man their house is nice! We had a really good time. Jason is a mechanic at Cessna and has his private pilot's license so Nathan and him had a lot to talk about. Nicole and I can always talk for hours. She was really nice and sent us home with a bunch of onesies and says she has even more clothes she's going to give us. That'll be nice!

I got a picture of the belly in there too. It was about a week or so ago when Nathan's bro was here. It made me feel pretty good because I look skinny everywhere but the belly. I have my double chin in place now though.

Last we have a bunch of pics from when Nathan's brother was in town. Mike and Alex had a lot of fun playing together! The park was definitely one of my favorite outings! Alex had so much fun and the play equipment there was really cool. I like the one of Nathan on that weird one where you stand and hang onto those bars. It looks like some kind of excersize equipment.

Nathan and I are going on a date tonight to celebrate his big promotion. I'm excited! He's been training in the other jet all day today so I think he'll be ready to relax too.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nathan's in Denver right now and has my laptop with all the pictures so I don't have any of those to post right now. I do have some exciting news though. Nathan got called into the office yesterday for a meeting with his boss. Man, were we nervous! With the way the economy is right now all of the aviation businesses in town are laying off hundreds of people. We didn't think that would happen to Nathan because he's been hearing so much good feed back from all of his bosses, but you never know. Well, anyway, they told him that they chose him and this other guy out of everyone in the company to go to school to fly the new jets they're getting. They will be getting a bunch and there will be a lot more pilots in the future but they chose Nathan to be the first! They really like him at his new job! He's only been there for like six months now and he's already getting such a big promotion! I'm so glad he's finally getting some recognition for how hard he works! I just knew that everyone would love him right off the bat and he would be good at this new place. God's plan always seems to be so much better than what we can come up with! I think I've said this before because it's been so true so many times!

There are going to be a few down sides to this. He'll be going to Dallas for most of January for training. They told him to plan on being gone a lot the first few months. So, that's going to be pretty hard on us with the new baby and all. But, I'm going to try really hard not to complain too much. This is something that Nathan has wanted for so long and I've really wanted it for him too. I knew when I married a pilot that this would probably be how our life would be. It really makes us enjoy our time together a lot more!

Another plus is that Nathan will be getting a nice raise in April which is something we could really use. When he took this job he took a little bit of a pay cut. We didn't take into account all the extra days Nathan got payed for at his other job as well. I think our plan right now is to pay off a loan we have with our tax return money and then pay off some other smaller things. Then, we will probably start looking for a little bigger house in a year or so. I have a few things that I want for our next house. Number one is a basement! I don't like feeling nervous during storm season. Two is another bathroom. Three is an already finished kitchen. We'll see how things go. We'll of course make sure we have our house sold before looking. I've heard of too many people who get stuck with two mortgage payments! Scary!

I think you can tell I'm pretty proud of my hubby!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Karen came out to visit on monday and I got a few good pics of the boys playing together. They were fighting over Alex's car in the beginning but then Alex gave up and hopped on the back. It was super cute! We went to the mall and did some shopping and chinese food eating and then came back home to chat and let the boys hang out more. It's fun when your friends are in the same stage of life as you are. Having kids and all. I'm so glad Karen lives closer now! It's nice that our boys are close in age too! I snapped a pic of Karen so you all can see how little she is and how good she looks. Oh, and the first pic is of Nathan's desk. It was so funny! I was dusting it and all his little airplanes. Alex saw what I was doing and when I started putting them back up on the desk he brought me almost all of his toy airplanes to put up there too. It was super cute! I left it like that till Nathan got home so he could see too.

I had my check up at the docs today. I'm 34 weeks now. I gained six pounds this last two weeks! Scary! Not doing so good with that. I swear I'm not eating any different either except for a few pieces of chocolate here and there. :) I'm having to get another sonogram in two weeks also along with my normal appointment. I usually really like getting sonograms but I'm getting a little tired of them this pregnancy. I've had a lot! I guess she wants to see how big the baby is getting. I'm so glad I only have four weeks left! I hope I don't get too much bigger in those weeks. My double chin that I had with Alex is starting to show back up again. I think another plus with my long hair right now is that it makes my face look a little thinner. haha!

Nathan's brother just got into town today and is staying for four days. I should have some good pics by the end of it. Nathan and Mike went shooting tonight so I get some blogging time. Alex really likes his uncle Mike. He brought him this super cool car that makes noise and goes when you push a button. It's cute seeing Alex playing with big boy toys!

Monday, November 3, 2008

This is Addison's stocking I made! I got a little kit from Hobby Lobby. It took a long time but I got it done! The package had a boy's name on the snowflake but I totally think this is a girl's stocking and not a boys. I can't wait till I can hang it up. We don't have too much longer to go till it's time to decorate for christmas! So excited!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Here are our halloween pics! Plus a few more. :) Nathan came up with the big pumpkin shirt idea. Alex was a panda bear again this year. I was really nervous about how he would handle putting his costume on and thought he might be a little scared when we went out. He didn't want to put it on at all until it was time to go and then he came to me willingly. I think it was because we kept telling him that if he wanted candy he had to wear the costume. He loved the trick or treating part! He couldn't say trick or treat but he did say please and thank you. He probably would have gone all night if we let him. He was totally into it. He also really liked sitting on the porch when aunt Jilli was handing out candy. He did awesome! He also wanted to eat all of his candy right then and there. LOL! I think he gets that from me.

Nathan got home yesterday afternoon. Today after church we headed to the mall and got to eat some good chinese food. Yummy! Then we walked around and Nathan bought me one of my christmas presents. I can't wait! I think it makes it almost harder to wait when you know what you're getting.