Monday, April 21, 2008

Here's the kitchen! All painted! Looks good huh? It took forever, but it was definitely worth it. No peeling wallpaper with paint over it. Nathan and I are really happy with how it turned out. Next, we'll be getting new hardware for all the cabinets and drawers. Then, we'll be getting those countertops we're saving up for. This kitchen will be a work in progress for a long time. We want to do the floors after that and then get new cabinet doors and drawers. It's a lot cheaper than replacing all of the cabinets. We also want to replace the stove and fridge with nice new stainless steel ones. That'll be down the road though. I'd love a new stove. Sure it works fine, but I really want one of those with the flat surface. Where it's not such a pain in the butt to clean. The paint in our kitchen made such a huge difference. It seems bigger and more cheery. And, since I spend so much time in there that's very important.

Well, the pregnancy is going good so far. I haven't been too sick yet. I get heart burn a lot and tums work really good for that. I also eat a lot of cereal these days because the milk helps with that too. I don't really like straight milk so that's why the cereal. As long as I get enough sleep I seem to do okay. We went in on friday to draw my blood and then we go in on wednesday to get the sonogram done. I'm kind of nervous about the sonogram because the last one we had we found out our baby was dead. It turns out that Nathan probably won't be able to go too. He's going to have to fly the jet on tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. It seems like with every pregnancy I start showing earlier too. I'm only like five to six weeks and I'm already rockin a little belly. Not joking. It's usually decent in the morning, but then as I go through the day and I eat it gets bigger. By evening after dinner I look like three to four months. What's with that? Last night Nathan and I were getting ready to go on a walk and I was outside with Alex. Our neighbor across the street comes over and starts talking to me. She seriously kept eyeballing my stomach! So, I say ya we're pregnant again. She goes ya I can see. We had told her back when we were pregnant the first time. So she says ya you told me you guys were pregnant. I say well we had a miscarriage but we're back on track now. Then I say we're only like five weeks along. And she goes oh honey. It's like as soon as I get pregnant my uterus stretches out. I haven't gained any weight yet either. I just hope everything's okay. When I got so big with the last one I thought that maybe that had something to do with the miscarriage. I have a good feeling about this pregnancy though.

Well, I've got to go do some house work and laundry and such.

Monday, April 14, 2008

We're gregnant! (I mean pregnant)

Here is our pregnancy test! I was going to try to get our feet in the picture like last time, but Nathan thought our hands would be better. Isn't that funny. Anyway, isn't it weird how when you finally give your will over to God he blesses you right away. After the miscarriage, I thought oh no Alex and his brother or sister are going to be even more far apart in age now. But, you know, he'll be a little over two and a half when we have the baby and that's still pretty good. We found out friday night at around 11:30 which was like the exact same time we found out about the last pregnancy. Crazy. The baby will be do on Dec 26th, the day after Christmas. Can't get a better Christmas present! I don't know if we've decided if we'll find out what sex this baby is. I'll have to talk to Nathan. Oh yeah, I have to tell what Nathan did to me. He's such a turd. So after I peed on the stick Nathan took it away from me and made me leave the room. He wanted to find out first again. Then, he comes into our bedroom and looks all sad and says I'm sorry. Usually I would have believed him cause he's good at tricking me, but I had suspicions this time. And I grabbed the test out of his had and it said pregnant. Butthead! Anyway, all of you reading my blog can pray that we have a nice normal pregnancy and a healthy baby.