Monday, March 31, 2008

My New Purse!

Here's my new purse I bought today. Isn't it cute!? I've been wanting to get a new purse for a while now and I finally got one. I had seen a couple I liked yesterday and then today we went back. I was planning to get this white one I found, but then I found this one and had to get it.

Jillian, you have to post a pic of you in your prom dress!

I found a Hills buddy. I know I'm kind of a dork for being so into the show, but I love all the silly drama. Lauren, the girl I got the massage with, loves the Hills too. Crazy. We were supposed to watch tonight, but she had to fly down to Oklahoma to pick this guy up. So, we are going to watch it wednesday night. I don't know if I can wait that long. It's going to be hard.

So, Joy, how's the whole couch search going? I want to know if you've found one yet! I wish I could go shopping with you for one. I love furniture shopping. It's the best.

Well, Nathan and I got some shrimp cocktail rings from dillons. They were buy one get one free, and we love them. So, we're going to dig in!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I was going to post a video of Alex's first Easter Egg Hunt, but the video thing was taking forever or not working right. I'm not sure. Poor guy was sick! He had the flu.

Alex is sick again today. He has a cough/cold. I was all ready to go to bible study today. I did my homework way ahead of time so I wouldn't be stressed at the last minute to get it done. Then, wouldn't you know, Alex woke up in the middle of the night all snotty, coughing, and wouldn't go back to sleep. Nathan was really sweet and got up with him and took him out onto the couch where they fell asleep together. So cute! Reminds me of having a little baby again every time Alex is sick. I want one of those! I've been really struggling between trusting God to give us a baby in His timing and trying to make it happen right now. I have a hard time with this because I always think that I can make things happen on my own. I'm starting to turn my will over to Him though and it feels really good. I shouldn't be worrying when I know that God has a plan for us and His plan always turns out to be way better than what I can think up of on my own.

Well, since I didn't go to bible study this morning, I figured I would do something productive. I had Nathan pull the stove out so that I could get the wallpaper off the wall behind it. Man, it's hard work. I just have a smaller section left to do back there. Then, I have to get behind the fridge. That'll be fun! Haha. But, then all I have to do is putty the walls and sand them down. Then, it's painting time! I'm uber excited about that.

The other day we finally got around to cleaning out the garage. It was a disaster! The laundry room was so messy I had hardly any room to do laundry. It so nice and clean now and the laundry room seems huge compared to how it was.

On Saturday I'm going to go get a massage. I'm so excited! This girl from Nathan's work and I have been talking about doing it for a while. Then, on Sunday, we have a girls shooting class thing. Learning how to draw from a purse and such. It should be cool. Nathan and I went last night and I'm starting to do pretty good. We were going to save our targets to hang in the garage, kind of like a competition, but he threw mine away. waahhh! I almost went dumpster diving for it.

Oh, and Joy, I just found out that we'll probably be in California when you're out here in Kansas in the beginning of May. Can you believe it? I'm disappointed!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Profile Picture!?

Well, I took Joanne's advice and took some pictures for a new profile pic. I think we got some good ones. I know they're not quite as cool as Joanne's. Taking these pictures made us realize that we need to do some work on our yard. There weren't very many nice places to take pictures and we had to strategically take them around the dog turds by the fence. Also, I don't think I'm very good at posing, but I think towards the end I got a little better. I, also, think that I'm very critical of myself. As I was looking through them, finding the best ones, I found myself saying my teeth are huge, my face is ginormous, and man I look fat! Nathan always gets mad at me when I criticize myself, but come on everybody is more critical of themselves. Oh, and, I've been thinking about growing my bangs out again. Nathan asked me why I'm so obsessed about my bangs. I told him it's cause I've always had them and I think hairstyles look cuter without them. We'll see if it gets very far.

Nathan's been teaching me how to play guitar. We'll see how it goes, but so far he says I'm doing really good. He wrote out a bunch of chords for me and the first day I had all but one down. I can do A, D, C, E, Am, Em, and G. I know the fingering for F, F#, Fm, and B, but I can't play them right. It sounds aweful. It's really hard to do those ones. Nathan has a notebook with a bunch of songs from when he played in a worship band for a youth group back in college, and I've been playing a few songs out of there. They sound okay but not great and I play really slow. Nathan says I'm doing really good for just learning though. It's fun.

Well, we'll have another month of trying to get preggers. Poor Nathan thinks it's too much like work now. We really thought I was pregnant this last cycle because I was really sick. But, it turns out that Jillian and Mom both had the stomach flu and we were all sick around the same time. So, turns out it was the stomach flu! Sucks. Well, Joy and Joanne are in this with me so I shouldn't feel so bad for myself.

Well, gotta go make the fam some lunch. Adios!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I decided to change the name on my blog because I just realized that we have one more member of our family. And, I didn't want an even more ridiculous name. Haha!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Okay I don't know what the deal is but my stupid computer won't let me post pictures. Every time I try it says that it has encountered an error and can't post pictures. Stupid technology! I have all these great ones from Jillians tattoo too. I think I'll email them to Jillian and maybe she can post them.
Anyway, we had a really good time in Salina this weekend. We got up there Friday night and had stew and played battle of the sexes. It was ridiculous because the questions were so insanely hard that no one could answer them. Then, in the morning, Mom, Jillian, me and Alex all went to Martinellis and shared a salad. MMMM.... so good! Alex is the weirdest baby ever. He loves lettuce! He was so cute. He had to wave at everybody we saw. When we were walking down to the antique shop he had to stop, pull his hand out of whoever was holding it, and wave at everyone that walked by. Isn't he friendly!? Oh yeah, he also says Josh really well. He's like one of his favorites when we're there. Whenever he sees a football or basketball he picks them up and brings it to Josh. Or if Josh isn't around he just says Josh nonstop. It's really cute too! Then, we went back to the house to put Alex down for a nap and then Jillian and I went to the tattoo shop which is just around the corner.
When we got to the tattoo shop it was packed. There wasn't a place to sit in the whole shop. Jillian started to get really nervous and I felt like her mom or something. I made sure to watch that they got a new needle out and clean everything very well. And, I also took a ton of pictures. Too bad I can't post them yet. The whole thing probably only took a few minutes to do and it turned out awesome. We were worried they wouldn't do it on the foot because we've heard of people who won't do it there. But, they did it there and it is the cutest spot.
Oh yeah, and when we got home we forgot to set the clocks ahead and so we missed church in the morning. We were actually going to be able to go for once and we were both looking forward to it. We were getting ready and then Alex brought daddy his watch. Nathan looked at his watch, then at the cable box, and then at his phone. He was like well Jenny we can't go because we forgot about the time change. It sucked. Oh, well, we tried.

Friday, March 7, 2008

My Gun

Here is my first gun. It's uber cool! It's a Kahr PM9 9 millimeter. PM means pocket model, but my jeans are way too tight to pull that one off. We went to the range the other night and Alex's fave Rachel came over to watch him. I did pretty good with it for never shooting it before. It's a brand new gun and that was the first time we ever shot it so it jammed a lot, but by the end it was doing awesome. I was worried that because it was so little that it would kick a lot, but it wasn't bad at all. Man, I should've posted a pic of my target I brought home. I was trying to make a smiley face in the head portion, but it looked more like an upside down smiley face.

The first pictures are of Alex posing for the camera. He was so funny! He would run over to the couch, pose, and say cheese, and then he would run over to me to look at his picture on the camera. He just kept running back and forth posing and checking out his pic. So cute! I think you can tell in a couple that he's saying cheese. That's the only way I could get a smile out of him. He's so handsome.

So, I finally got to celebrate the other part of my birthday. On wednesday, I went to an Aveda salon in town and got a pedicure. Then, I went over to Gordmans and shopped for a long time. I tried on a lot of clothes. I tried on eight shirts and only like one. I probably would've liked more except that I didn't want to go up to a large and the mediums were just not working. Way too tight on the love handles and baby jelly. I also tried on four pairs of jeans and found a pair I love for only $22. I figured I should get something for Nathan too so I tried on three corsets and found one I like for $14. Oh, and I got a couple thongs and two necklaces which I love. I really like Gordmans cause they're uber cheap. So, I spent all my birthday money there. It's funny, usually I don't really like shopping by myself. I feel kind of lonely. But, this time it was awesome. I think because I got to spend as much time as I wanted picking things out and trying them on. I didn't have a husband whining about how long it takes or a baby getting antsy in the dressing room trying to open the door.

Well, here in a while we're going to be heading off to Salina to hang out with the fam. Jillian and I are going to get a tattoo for her. Should be fun!