I haven't posted for a while cause I've been so sick. This is usually my nap time but I can't sleep. I think this one might be a lot of whining so I'm sorry. Yesterday I went to Walmart and I was feeling pretty good when I was heading out but then having to push the cart around, walk all over, and put things in the cart wore me out so fast. By the time I got to the register I was hanging onto the cart to keep myself up and trying not to throw up. I think the cashier and everyone around that were staring thought I was probably really sick or something. I got a lot of weird looks. So, I think I'm not going to go to Walmart by myself for a while. Dillons I can handle cause it's like a block away. Oh, and poor Nathan lately hasn't gotten hardly any good homecooked meals. He's been so good about it though. He really feels sorry for me and doesn't really care that the house is always a disaster and I'm always too tired or sick to do certain duties.
On another note. We had a good stay with Nathan's mom and grandma here. I think they had fun too. I think it kind of helped that his grandma was there because then his mom had someone to hang out with when Nathan's on the computer and Alex and I were taking our naps. We went to the mall and out to eat a lot. Monna, Nathan's grandma, would not take no for an offer when it came to paying for stuff. And she kept giving it to us and wouldn't let us give it back. I guess she just wanted to spoil us a little. They just loved Alex and I think he really liked all the attention. I think he's kind of bored now that life's back to normal.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Mom, Dad, Jillian, and Josh are coming out. It should be a lot of fun. I was just going to get a couple rotisserie chickens from dillons but Mom offered to make a turkey and bring it. How awesome is that! I think she just feels bad for me. I'm going to make a pumpkin pie and pink, pretty cranberry salad, a veggie tray, green beans, and mashed tators. I think that'll be good. I have no clue how to make gravy, but maybe Mom can help me. Oh, she's bringing her awesome stuffing too. That's one of my favorite things about thanksgiving food. I think Alex is going to be having a lot of fun tomorrow. I hope I can get enough sleep tonight to feel good tomorrow.
Oh, Alex just had his eighteen month appt. on Monday. It went awesome. I was so happy. I had been worried that he still didn't weigh enough, but he is actually in a percentile now. He's in the third for his weight, the fifth for his height, and the seventyfifth for his head. He does have a giant noggin. He said that all of his skills are good. I was a little worried about his speech, but the doctor says he's good. He knows daddy, jet, thank you, doggy, jiji for mommy, hi, and then I can understand a few things he says just cause I'm around him so much. It's crazy though just how many words he knows but can't say. It seems like everyday there is a new one. The other day I told him to get his hat and, expecting to get a blank stare, he went to get it. Yesterday, I said where's your bottom? And, he patted his bottom. It was so cute. Oh, and he got a couple shots too. He screamed and cried, but he didn't get a fever or anything from them. I think he got hep A and flu and I don't remember the other one.
Okay, I think that's good for now.
he he he, I guess you had some things to say!!
A post! Cute pictures! And how did I end up in one? I like the one of you holding both of the munchkins. We are going to have so many pictures of them after this Christmas for sure! I can't wait to hear how your Thanksgiving went, I hope you were feeling ok that day.
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