We got to the hospital at eight on wednesday morning. They gave me the pitocin probably around nine. I was already dialated about 3-4 when we got there and having contractions here and there. I think that helped speed me up a lot. My doc had them break my water around ten and we sat at that for a couple hours. I asked for the epidural when the pain was just starting to get a little bad. I was pretty comfortable for probably a half hour and then it started to get really painful. I figured they had put it in a blood vessel like they did with Alex and it wasn't working. I went from 5-10 in 45 minutes and the medicine couldn't keep up with how fast I was progressing. They ended up giving me the strongest stuff they had. They said that's what they give women who are getting c-sections. After that I was completely numb and super comfortable. My doc was over at this surgery place doing procedures and wasn't ready to come over yet so she had them turn the pitocin way down since I was ready to go right then. An hour later she showed up and I pushed through two contractions and she was out. It was probably a total of around six or less pushes. It was so easy compared to Alex. Nothing tore or anything.
Addison Whitney was born at 3:07. She was 7lbs 9oz and 20 inches long.
The whole recovery process was super easy too! I was ready to leave the next morning. I was just on ibuprofen when I was on that and percocet with Alex. I was just a little bit sore. I was up and around right away and after I took my shower I felt even better. Addison did awesome! She took to nursing so well! She is the best little eater. She wouldn't sleep in the basinet at all but slept awesome in bed with me and that's how we're still doing it.
Of course, just like Alex, she has jaundice pretty bad like Alex. I expected it this time so it wasn't a big shock or as traumatic for us. She's hooked up to a billy rubin blanket like Alex was. I just want to be able to carry her around wherever I go and not be hooked to that stupid machine. At least we get to hold her though. With how good she's been eating I'm pretty hopeful that she'll be getting better soon.