Here are our halloween pics! Plus a few more. :) Nathan came up with the big pumpkin shirt idea. Alex was a panda bear again this year. I was really nervous about how he would handle putting his costume on and thought he might be a little scared when we went out. He didn't want to put it on at all until it was time to go and then he came to me willingly. I think it was because we kept telling him that if he wanted candy he had to wear the costume. He loved the trick or treating part! He couldn't say trick or treat but he did say please and thank you. He probably would have gone all night if we let him. He was totally into it. He also really liked sitting on the porch when aunt Jilli was handing out candy. He did awesome! He also wanted to eat all of his candy right then and there. LOL! I think he gets that from me.
Nathan got home yesterday afternoon. Today after church we headed to the mall and got to eat some good chinese food. Yummy! Then we walked around and Nathan bought me one of my christmas presents. I can't wait! I think it makes it almost harder to wait when you know what you're getting.
Great pictures! You all look so cute!
So....what are you getting?
Love the pumpkin shirt, that was such a good idea!
Cute family pic, I bet you all appreciate your time together so much.
Okay, I guess I'll give it up. He got me a pair of boots. They're like the ugg looking boots only cheaper. They're super cute and comfy and warm. I'm glad I'm getting them for christmas cause I'll probably only wear them with my skinny jeans and I'm not gonna wear those when I'm preggers. I'd look so silly!
You wear skinny jeans. huh. :) That's good that he liked trick-or-treating so much this time. Man, I can't wait to see him at Christmas, and the new baby too!
LOL, you're one of them! It's ok, I think they're cute too.
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