I've been doing a lot of cleaning the last couple days. Real Exciting! Today, I was doing a lot of cleaning with sos with bleach and didn't think about what shirts I was wearing. I was wearing a nice blue one that I wore yesterday before I took a shower and then after my shower I changed into a nice purple shirt. They're both maternity and I don't have a whole lot of shirts that fit me now. Well, I noticed that my purple one had white spots on it and realized what it was from. Then, I realized that my blue one probably looks the same. I was so upset! I ruined two shirts today!
Tomorrow I have my doctors appointment. It'll probably be a lot of the same old stuff but Nathan gets to go with me to this one so that'll be fun.
Nathan is going on his first trip this weekend. I'm going to miss him a bunch! He's going to Arizona and will be gone friday through monday afternoon. Alex, Chalupa, Poky, and I are all headed to Salina for the weekend. Should be fun! I'm glad I have the family close! It wouldn't be much fun to live somewhere far away when my hubby goes on trips.
My dad brought down a chest of drawers and a toddler bed for Alex's room a couple weeks ago. We finally got the chest of drawers moved in there and I think tomorrow we're going to put the bed together. I put all of Alex's and Addison's clothes in the drawers. It was fun to put all those little girl clothes in there!
We've been working with Alex with the potty yesterday and today. He went once yesterday and once today. We think he holds it in cause he doesn't want to go potty. When he finally did it we were so excited that we scared him with our reaction. He was uber excited to get chocolate as a treat though. Now, whenever we sit him on the potty we say if you go peepee you'll get some chocolate! Hopefully it'll click soon for him.