The next few pictures are of Alex's hair cut! He looks even more like daddy with his hair cut short. It's so cute. I finally got around to giving him a real haircut (not just little trims here and there) and it was so traumatic. It was also hilarious! Right away he starts screaming and crying! He said jajaja and nooo over and over between sobs. The jajaja thing was funny cause that's his word for helicopter. I've got no clue why he was saying that one. Then he starts itching cause he's got tiny little hairs all over him. He's rubbing them in his nose, eyes, and mouth. Then, he keeps moving around making it impossible to give him a good haircut. It turned out decent but there are so many things I'd fix on it if he'd let me. I'm just glad I had Nathan to hold him.
He's so cute in all of the other pictures! I totally forgot that I had taken them!
Wow, so many good pictures! First off, your belly looks so good! There are not going to be any pictures of mine until after my stomach fixing surgery when I'm done having kids :) . I've gained 6 lbs too! And my next apt. is a day after yours. You're looking good!
Alex totally does look more like Nathan! And he looks a lot older too. You have a lot of cute pictures of him! And who stuck Chalupa in the vase? I'm guessing N.
And I also wanted to say how much I love your painted walls!
Thanks! That's awesome that you've only gained 6 so far too! I was actually the one who put chalupa in there. Aren't I awful! It was pretty funny! I'm really glad to have some color on the walls. You get so sick white walls after living in apartments for so long.
Tell me about the sick of white walls! Hey, you're way bigger than I would expect for six pounds, awesome! You need to email me those pictures of Alex, I especially love the train one! He he he, that's so funny that he was saying jajaja!
He plays Rummikube! What a smartie! Did he win?
Ya, he's a cutie! We always let him set our tiles up and draw them for us. Sometimes I'll catch him getting them out and just setting them up on the boards for fun.
Alex is so cute!
And your baby bump is cute too:)
Congrats on the weight gain to you and Joanne!
I am 21 weeks and have gained 7 pounds so we are all about on the same track, COOL!!!
I should take a picture of my belly one of these days...
I just really looked at the pic of Alex playing rummykub and realized I posted the wrong pic. The one I meant to post was sooo much cuter!
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