These are the pics from the skating rink. Alex loved it!
I went to my doc appointment on monday and it sure was interesting. First of all, I have a date set for my amniosynthesis. I thought the doc had said they had to do it if they induce at 37 weeks but apparently it was 38 weeks. So, she thinks it would be a good idea to do it at 38 and I agree. I got pretty huge there right at the end really fast. So if they do the amnio thing and the lungs look to be developed enough, which my doc thinks they will, they'll induce either that day or the next. They set it up for Dec. 10th. It's one day sooner than what she told me so that sounds great to me! We're going to drop Alex off at mom and dad's and he'll stay there for a few days depending on when everything happens. I'm so excited to have this all underway now! Also, I thought I was doing so great with my weight, but it seems the Mercy babies are just going to be huge no matter what. I've been gaining on average 4 lbs every two weeks lately. At my appointment on Monday I weighed 160. So, I'm thinking I'll be somewhere around 175 by the end. At least it's ten pounds less than I weighed with Alex. I will have gained 50 lbs instead of 65 this time. That's not so good.
Anyway, the second part of the appointment was that Alex was horrible! He's usually such a good boy, but in the last few weeks he's become a lot more defiant. I could not control him. He was bouncing off the walls, jumping all over, being super loud, kicking walls, standing on chairs. It was sooooo embarassing! Of course, you can't just spank your kid right in front of people anymore so I kept wispering that he was getting a spanking when we got to the car. That didn't even phase him. It's like he didn't hear me at all. Probably because my spankings don't hurt him anymore. He doesn't even cry and he goes back to whatever he was doing. Since the spanking in the car didn't do a lot I got the wooden spoon out when we got home and that got his attention. I could not believe my sweet little Alex was being soo naughty. Everyone was looking at us probably thinking that I needed to control my child. My doc even said I was going to really have my hands full soon. I can't tell if this is just an age thing that he's worked up to or if it's because Nathan hasn't been around as much lately. Nathan's the disciplinarion in our house which makes it a lot easier on me and I do let Alex get away with a lot more when Nathan's gone. I guess I just need to step it up a little.
Anyway, I'm doing really good with my christmas shopping but all of a sudden I feel like I just don't have enough time to get everything done. I have all of Joanne's family done except I need to mail one more thing. I have Joy almost done. Josh still needs to give us ideas. Nathan keeps saying he'll give me ideas but I've started to take it into my own hands and come up with things on my own. I'm not worried about Alex since he's so fun and easy to buy for. I also know exactly what I want from Nathan so I don't need to be thinking about that anymore. I think because the induction date is going to creep up on us really fast I feel pressed for time now.
We're going to be heading to Salina for Halloween on friday. I think it'll be a lot more fun to go in a neighborhood we know. Alex is going to be a panda bear again this year. The costume fits him a little better this year. I don't think I'm going to be able to get Nathan to dress up but we have a funny little surprise costume we made for me. I think we might carve pumpkins this afternoon so that would be fun. See what Alex thinks of that. :)
Yesterday, I went to Target with the goober. First time I've been there in forever. Their little girl clothes are sooo cute! I always have such a hard time not buying anything. I gave into temptation yesterday and got a little newborn outfit for Addison. It's light blue fleece pants and sweater that zips up. It has a little bear on the sweater and little ears on the hood. It's sooo cute and looks really warm and cozy. There were a few dresses in the clearance racks I thought about getting, but I just can't picture putting her in dresses when it's so cold out. I already got a little christmas gift from Joanne. She sent a cozy little carseat cover. It's going to be really nice for her for these cold winter months. I also went ahead and ordered the boppy pillow I saw online. I really wanted to have one with this baby.
Alex was really funny at Target. We went down the toy isles and he ooooed at everything we saw. It was cute. He kept telling me that certain toys were his. He would point and say mine. We went down this one isle that had a big fake dinosaur in a plastic container as a display with a button you could push on the outside. He thought it was really neat till I pushed the button and then he flipped out crying. He was so scared of that thing. It was funny. I asked him if we should got back and push the button again and he started crying again telling me no. He's a cute little fraidy cat!