Here's a bunch of pics of Alex's room. Soon to be Alex and Addison's room! I'm thinking I'm going to have to get a neutral theme. No idea what that is. Kind of leaning towards a pretty shade of green with striped curtains or something. I don't know if I blogged about this but we couldn't get the right size mattress for the little toddler bed my dad brought up. I just happened to be looking around at Walmart and spotted this little toddler bed that matches the crib for $55. That was an awesome find! I have a bed set picked out for the crib for Addison but haven't gotten it yet. The dresser usually has the changing mat on it but Emily is here and I put that in the pack and play for her to sleep on. Alex always slept really good on that. I think cause the sides are curved and it has a super soft cover on it. Oh, I just saw on the news the other night that having a fan in your baby's room when they sleep reduces the risk of sids. I've always used one just to have noise so they don't wake up at everything you do.
Nathan and I just found out that this church really close to our house is also a small christian school. We've just started looking into schools a little bit and heard this one is a really good one and a little less expensive. We're really excited about this! Both of us have wanted to be able to send our children to a christian school. Nathan went to one growing up and was really glad he did and I feel that I'm going to do anything I can to help out my kids on their road to salvation. By the time Alex is ready for school we should easily be able to afford this.
Nathan is actually going to be home every night but one this week so we're all excited! He has a short day trip tomorrow and something going on Thursday. I'm not sure of the rest of his schedule. They had him as a back up for a trip to Mexico this week but I guess they don't need him anymore. I'm glad to have him around. I was starting to get a little run down being just me and Alex so much.
We went to a wedding this last weekend in Kansas City. It was a good one! They both are pilots at Eagle Med. We knew Erin, the bride, from Hays and then from when we lived in Kansas City. They were so thankful that Nathan was able to help them out with getting a job at Eagle Med. When I worked at the FBO in Hays she flew in there every day doing a cargo route a lot like Nathan's. We would hang out and got to know each other very well. She lived in KC and when we moved out there she helped us look for apartments and helped me get a job out there. The message the officiator at the wedding gave was really good. One of the better I've heard. Then when I was mentioning it to Erin, she said she wrote it. I was pretty impressed! They gave a message of salvation in it and also included a part on divorce. Then their vows were very good too! It was so nice to hear that this is not just a wedding where their so in love and all that mushy stuff. It was a real commitment.
After the wedding we went over for the reception which was really nice too. It was very fancy and Nathan and I felt a little out of place. We're not really the fancy type. They served sorbet in between the salad and the next course to cleanse your pallat. LOL! We felt just like Anne Hathaway in Princess Diaries! Wasn't that the right movie? Nathan and I made jokes that we were going to eat ice cream between every bite we take at home! haha!
Then we went over to our hotel and went to see that movie Eagle Eye. I was so beat by the end of the night! It's always fun to stay in a hotel for me. It makes it feel kind of special and especially with just me and Nathan. No goober to distract us!
Cute room! Good luck coming up with a theme. We are doing Dora and Diego for Sean and Eleanor. The baby will have her own room for a while and then we will put Sean back in his old room and have a girls room for Eleanor and Chloe! I'm looking forward to decorating with pink!
Congrats on finding the school and church!
I'm so glad your hubby will be around for you. I know how hard it is to have a husband that works a lot. Mine doesn't have to travel around, but he is gone a lot and comes home late most nights.
Sounds like a great wedding! That's funny about Princess Diaries LoL!
Wow, a night with no kids, how nice!
:) I like it! What colors are in the bed set that you want to get for Addison? Doea Alex wonder why there's an empty crib in his room?
That's cool about the Christian School, Jason went to a Christian school too and he wants the kids to.
:) That's so funny about the wedding reception, I've never been to a fancy one before!
There are pinks and purples and greens in the crib set. Alex doesn't really seem to think a whole lot about the crib right now cause it's always been in his room. I think he's going to like having a baby around all the time!
Sorbet, I'll have to remember that when I want to clean my palate in between courses. That's awesome! Glad you guys had such a fun time together on your own. So you're really going to paint again and make new curtains? What if Addison is like super into airplanes too? Just teasing, although it could end up being that way. I like the room setup, very nice. I bet you're glad to finally have a chest of drawers in there! Looks nice.
I have both Princess Diaries movies. Enjoy them a lot! Now I'm in to the Jane Austen movies. I heard that also about fans in babies rooms. The explaination makes sense. Are you going to repaint the blue wall? Thats work. I don't know if I would want to paint while pg.
I agree with Joanne, what if Addison is a total Daddy's girl and loves airplanes?! ...I guess her bed set wouldn't really match the room, though.
Oh yeah, and you should post pictures of your sling!
I don't think I'm going to paint while I'm pregnant. I'll wait a while till she's actually sleeping in that room more. In the beginning I'm guessing she'll be sleeping in our room in the pack n play a lot. Alex would wake her up. I'll post pics of the sling soon I think. I'll probably use a stuffed animal so you guys can see how it works.
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