Well, I'm finally getting some pictures posted! We've got some from last night at our friend's Jason and Nicole's house. They have a tractor that Jason's been dying to take Alex for a ride on. They are the parents of the baby I watch. Too bad Nicole's turned away in the one picture we got of her. We had a really good evening. We went over to have some desert, get a tractor ride, and finally see where they live. They had their house built and since Jason does a lot of carpentry work he did most of the work on the inside himself which apparently saved them a lot of money. Man their house is nice! We had a really good time. Jason is a mechanic at Cessna and has his private pilot's license so Nathan and him had a lot to talk about. Nicole and I can always talk for hours. She was really nice and sent us home with a bunch of onesies and says she has even more clothes she's going to give us. That'll be nice!
I got a picture of the belly in there too. It was about a week or so ago when Nathan's bro was here. It made me feel pretty good because I look skinny everywhere but the belly. I have my double chin in place now though.
Last we have a bunch of pics from when Nathan's brother was in town. Mike and Alex had a lot of fun playing together! The park was definitely one of my favorite outings! Alex had so much fun and the play equipment there was really cool. I like the one of Nathan on that weird one where you stand and hang onto those bars. It looks like some kind of excersize equipment.
Nathan and I are going on a date tonight to celebrate his big promotion. I'm excited! He's been training in the other jet all day today so I think he'll be ready to relax too.