It's been a really good mom's day and Alex's bday so far! We got some awesome pics too! Addison woke up around 7:30, which is a little early for her but not bad. I went in and fed her and Nathan said to come back into bed after I was done. I got to sleep a while longer while Nathan got up with the kids and made us breakfast! It's so nice to get treated like that every once in a while. I got to wake up and eat french toast, eggs, and tasty java! Then, we got all showered and dressed so we'd be presentable for pictures. Nathan had me open a card and bag with milka chocolate and some other tasty candy. I've got a major sweet tooth all of a sudden! Then, he sent me on a scavenger hunt for my other present. He put post its all over the house saying go look here and under here until I finally found my robe and shorts he got me. I specifically told him I wanted a robe for mom's day. He knows me pretty well. Usually anything pink works for me! lol! Alex got to open a card from nanna and he's been talking about how he's going to use his dollars to buy toys. He also thought it was a lot of fun to open all of the presents JJHA sent. We've played the memory game a few times and he's starting to catch on. He loves the spongebob book and the shirt with "Lightning" on it. It has Teridactals on it and says I'm so fly. haha! He thinks they're birds like lightning. We hid his trike under a blanket in the corner. It was pretty funny when I asked him to bring me my blanky and he found it underneath. He doesn't quite have the pedalling thing down yet but I'm sure that'll come with time.
Addison has decided all of a sudden that she likes Nathan! I'm loving it! He held her so much yesterday and was perfectly happy. She would even watch him walk around the room and smile at him a bunch. It's really cute and makes it a lot easier on me. I can actually get things done around here. She's been eating applesauce a couple times a day and is starting to get a lot better at it. She's been sleeping through the night and taking a nice nap during the day. I'm thinking about moving her into Alex's room now. I'm having her take her nap in there today and having Alex stay up just to test it out. He doesn't really need a nap anymore and I don't think he sleeps all that much when he's in his room. We'll see if I can handle this though. I'm thinking that by six months Addison will be scooting around the house and sitting up pretty well. She's started to put her arms out on the floor in front of her to balance herself when sitting up. When she's laying on her belly she started to pull her knees up underneath her but she just can't quite figure out how to lift her top part off the ground at the same time. She'll look at a toy and you can tell she's trying to get to it. She'll push her feet against the floor to try to scoot but she's just not there yet. She's gotten a lot easier for me since she's been playing with toys and rolling all around. She's still teething like crazy but the only swolen places on her gums are still her molars. We'll see when those front teeth come through. She's also started sucking her thumb and doesn't use her pacifier that much anymore. We got her a teething pacifier and she choose that thing like crazy. It's just right for her to hold and she goes to town on that thing!
So, I've never been much of a baker. I've never really liked to bake but lately I've been baking a lot! I think my sweet tooth is partly to blame. I've never really been into sweet things. Whenever I crave something it's always burgers or fries or something. Now it's totally chocolate! Especially chocolate mint! Joanne gave me this awesome mint brownie recipe that I love! I've made this white chocolate raspberry cheesecake twice now. It's soooo good and Nathan is a major fan of cheesecakes! When he was single he actually made some. He had a springform pan and everything! Last night I baked my mom's chocolate chip cookies. They are sooo good and the recipe makes a ton. I've changed the recipe slightly as well by accident one day and like it so much that way that that's just how I make it now. I had hardly any vanilla left and had a bunch of almond extract sitting around so I substituted a couple teaspoons with the almond. Nathan and I really like them this way and I'm thinking the next time I make them I'll do almonds instead of walnuts. mmmmm! Oh, one reason I think I'm into sweet stuff lately is because it's always made me break out in the past. Anything and everything sweet that I'd eat would make me break out the very next day. Nathan kept telling me that I'd grow out of it. I think I finally have and I love it! It sucks always having to worry about what you eat!
Oh, I've also been really into eggs lately! Weird huh?! I make them every which way. Boiled, scrambled, omelet, fried on toast, fried with pepperjack cheese. Got the last two ideas from my mom. All of the protein really gives me the energy I need to get throught the day. I love eggs! From my head down to my legs!