Well it's been forever since the last post I made! We've been super busy! There are a couple pics of the kids when Joanne and Jeremy made it out for the riverfestival. Alex is being stubborn in the one with all of the kids on the floor. That's normal for him. He doesn't like getting his picture taken. I was surprised he actually posed for a few. I love the bath one of Alex and Addison! They have so much fun in the bath together. I got a whole bunch more pictures but they probably aren't appropriate to post on the blog. Alex and Addison have been playing in their room a lot lately. It usually ends with Addison crying because she got either stuck under Alex's bed or the dresser. It's sooo funny! I put her in the cute turquoise pants and onesie outfit today that Nathan's mom, Julie, got for us when we were pregnant with Alex. We hadn't found out yet what we were having and she gave us an outfit for a boy and an outfit for a girl. She looks really good in those colors!
We had Addison's six month check up on friday. It went really well. I was expecting it to be good since nothing's really going on with her. She is 15 lbs and 13 oz. and 26 in long. She's in the 41% for weight, 55% for height, and 80% for head. Which means her weight and height percents have flipped and her head is still big. My babys have big heads! I was kind of expecting her height and weight to flip at some point. Hopefully we won't be having weight trouble with her in a few months like we did with Alex. She's scooting around on the floor a lot and almost sitting up on her own. She's been getting a lot happier now that she can entertain herself a little bit.
Alex has been pretty funny lately. He's started saying all kinds of funny things. When he thinks Emily or Poky are doing something naughty he says shame on you. That's something daddy tells Alex if he's naughty. When Addison is doing something he doesn't like he tells her knock it off. He's also a lot more into his little sister which is both good and bad. He loves playing with her and she loves Alex. He does play a little rough sometimes though. Yesterday he tried to stomp on her hand and thankfully missed. Today he gave her a cheerio. Thankfully he came and told me he gave Addison cereal. I ran in and it was sitting on her lips and hadn't made it in her mouth yet. Scary! Sometimes he thinks he's doing something nice and doesn't realize it could hurt her. They are super cute when they play together though. Addison totally adores her big brother!
Cute pics:)
Sean went through the "no pic" phase too...annoying!
That's funny Addison getting stuck. Chloe does that too. I don't think she thinks it's as funny as I do though.
Sounds like they are going to be good buddies! That's great! Sean loves his little sisters too and they love him back. He is so good at getting Chloe to giggle:)
Love the bath picture too, how fun! And I've got the same one of all four of them, just from a different angle. It was so fun seeing all of you again!! I just wish we had more time to spend together. Love all the pictures--Alex & Addison are so cute! Oh yeah, isn't it great when our kids start copying everything we say :) . Sometimes, and sometimes not!
The cheerio thing reminded me of what Hayley did the other day; she grabbed Ada's hands and helped her up to at least sitting, because I looked when she said, "Mom, look how strong I am!" and then Ada moved and fell back and her head hit the floor. She didn't cry, so I think since Hayley still had her hands for the first part of the fall it helped slow it down, but I heard the "thunk". So I had a little talk with Hays about that being a Mommy & Daddy job. There was something else we had that talk about lately too, but I can't remember what it was. And now I just realized that I wrote you a small letter. It's all good!
Fun stuff to hear about all that siblings do to each other!
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