Okay, so Alex's room is almost done. Well, knowing me, it will probably never be completely done. I keep adding and changing. That's how I roll! The first pic is kind of dark because the sun is coming through the curtains. But, I finally finished them. I'm so proud of how they turned out! They look perfect in his room and he loves all the jets on them. The last picture is of the toy chest I just bought today. I went over to the Salvation Army around the corner and got it for a mere $20.
Of course, I think I way overpayed for it in the whole experience I had to go through. I was just browsing the store like I always do seeing if I can find any steels. Well, Alex and I found this chest and he loved it. He can open and close it really easily and can get up on top to sit on it. It doesn't have a bottom, but it doesn't really matter. I was thinking that if I couldn't get anyone to help me take it to the car then I would wait to get it when Nathan got home from work. So, I went up to the cashier and asked her if anyone would be able to help me take it out. I said that I would be fine carrying it out, but since I had Alex with me there wasn't really any way I could do it by myself. She was really nice and said sure that she would find someone. Well, she asked this other girl that was working there if someone could help me bring it out and she was the rudest person I've ever met. Right off the bat she was saying that they never do that and it's not their policy to. Then, she said that she was too busy but if one of the other girls decided they wanted to they could. She said that it's not that heavy and I could put Alex in a cart and carry it out myself. I was thinking am I supposed to push the cart out there and carry this big awkward thing at the same time or what. So, I told her that I would pick it up later when my husband got off work. Well, after she left the cashier who was really nice again said that she would help me carry it out. So, I went to get the sticker off of it so she could ring it up for me. When I went back there to get it, the witch saw, and I guess took it upon herself to bring it out to my car at that very moment. So, in the middle of paying for it she walks down the isle and said where do you want it and walked out the door. I was in shock. Who treats someone else like this? So, I grabbed Alex and ran out the door so I could open my car. After she put it in there she said again that it wasn't their policy to do this. I could not believe this whole ordeal. I'm kind of proud of myself though. Not once when she treated me so badly was I rude to her. I even thanked her for bringing it out to my car. But, I think I'm going to pull a Nathan and write a letter about my whole experience. I just had to get that off my chest.
Anyway, I've decided that I'm going to make a little seat cushion for Alex's chest with the extra fabric I have left over from the curtains. I'm excited! But, it's yet another project for me to put off work on the kitchen. It's bad I know.
Oh, I should probably write about my valentines day and birthday. First off, Valentines pretty much sucked this year. It started out really nice with Nathan acting like he was going off to work and then he comes back with a card, a potted plant, and a candle. I always like getting potted plants that I can try to keep alive even though I always end up killing them. I have a black thumb! Anyway, he went off to work after that and was gone pretty much all day. He got home around five and ran out to spangles to get us some dinner, because I didn't really feel like cooking that night. Then right when we were starting to eat he gets a call and he has to go fly a part to hugo, Ok. I was pretty upset and couldn't believe that they would have him do this on valentines day night. He would've been back around ten except that the gps wasn't working on the plane. So, he tried a bunch of things trying to get it to work. So, he calls me and says he'll probably be coming home because he can't get it to work. Well, I'm all excited and start getting ready for him to come home and then he calls me back and says that he has to go anyway. So, he didn't get home till 11:30 that night. I got to spend a total of about and hour and a half with him.
My Birthday was a lot better though. We had this girl from Nathan's work watch Alex for us and Nathan took me out for dinner and a movie. He wouldn't tell me where we were going to eat so I was all nervous not knowing what to expect. He took me to P.F. Changs. I had never been there before, but I had heard it was really good. It was nice and romantic! We sat in this little enclosed heated veranda. I was nervous at first that it would be too cold but it was really nice with these big torches all around you. I had shrimp and scallops with rice and snow peas. Very good. Then, we went to see Definitely, Maybe. Good movie. It was nice to finally see a girlie romantic movie. Nathan really liked it too. He said that's one we'll have to buy. It was really cute. Then, we came home and used the valentines day gift I got for him. Haha! He did pretty good. Except that he never got around to getting me any gifts. So, he said that I could go get the pedicure I wanted and buy something else that I want. It's kind of funny because if he would've gotten me something it would be a gift certificate for a pedicure and a gift card to somewhere else. So, I don't mind too much that he didn't go out and get me the cards. This way I get to pick where I get my pedicure. You all have to let me know how your valentine's days went now! Oh, and thanks for all of my presents! I was so excited when I opened my package from Joanne cause I was really hoping it would be some kind of picture thing. And it was! And, I love hobby lobby Joy!
Oh, and no pregnancy yet. We'll just have to try really hard next month again. Poor Nathan!
Whoa, you wrote a lot! The curtains are really cute, and i LOVE the blue on the walls! man, that's a sucky v-day! I'm glad you had a good birthday, though, I want to see that movie!
Woah, ok. Let me recollect all of my thoughts. First off, good job on Alex's room! Super cool. And I was going to ask where you got the toy chest because I LOVE it, and then I read your story. I am very proud of you that you didn't go off on that chick! I don't know why some people have to act that way and be all rude, it is crazy. She sounded pretty pyscho. Bummer about Valentine's, but it is cool that he had a little surprise for you that morning. That movie looked good, I saw the ads. I have been to P.F. Chang's once; my boss from the Hampton Inn took me there with some others from the hotel when it was time for me to leave at the end of the summer. It was good. Bummer that you're not pregnant yet. Hopefully we'll both get pregnant soon!!!!
Wouldn't it be cool if we all got preggers around the same time!
Hey, that sounds like a fun birthday, I loved P.F. Chang's they had the best broccoli beef I have ever had, and you get rice with everything!
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