These pictures are not really in order. Mom and Dad came by our house when they got back from their trip on Sunday and they let me upload their pictures. So, I thought I would share a few. And, a couple other random ones. The one of Josh was on their memory card. That's just funny. It's after a haircut. The ones of Alex are super cute, of course. The first one is Alex in his new outfit that Nathan's mom sent. It has a jajaja on it (helicopter). Then, the one with him sitting at the table. He was so funny. He had put both the toquitos in his mouth like he was a walrus. And, of course, I ran to get the camera and he wouldn't do it anymore. Then, this is the weird thing he does. Except it's not even that great of a picture. Usually he has his jets lined up perfectly in a straight line. He does this with crayons and cars too. He's just like his daddy! The last one of him is in his other shirt he got from granny jules (Nathan's mom). One thing I'm excited about is that he's started trying to say all kinds of words. Before he wouldn't even attempt. Now, he tries but they don't always sound like the word. It's so cute and he has a little bigger vocab now. He says hat, truck, girl, boob(I think he got this from Nathan somehow), poop(this he definitely got from Nathan), and I know there are a few more but I can't think of them right now. We have a date night tonight! I'm so excited! This friend of ours is watching a bunch of other kids that night and offered to watch Alex for us. We're going to Monterrey Mexican Grill. I've been wanting to try it for forever. Nathan gets to go there all the time with people from work. He goes out to lunch to nice places about everyday with people from work on the company. Must be nice. He has been working really hard lately, though. The last few days they had this guy come out and teach them a bunch of stuff about the jet. Last night Nathan had to take the guy out to dinner and I got to go too. It was fun. We went to Texas Roadhouse, mmmm. I had a steak! We had this girl Rachel watch Alex again. Second time now. He loves her. I think she's going to be our main babysitter. She's been a nanny before and babysits a lot. Last night she brought over a ball and this bubble wand thing. They played outside with it and she said he really liked it. It makes me feel good that I'm leaving him with someone that genuinely likes him and plays with him a lot. Last night he was trying to say her name and everything. It's so cute! Well, I've got to go change a super stinky poopy diaper. Adios!
wow...crazy pictures...we especially like the face alex is making in the walrus picture!
Cool pics! Hey, when did you put the cover on the coffee table? I noticed it awhile back, but I kept forgetting to ask. Hopefully you'll catch him doing the walrus thing on camera sometime! It is so cool how he loves airplanes so much.
We just put a blanket on it because as you can see Alex puts all of his toys up there. He's already put huge gashes in it with his lego horsie. It may not look that great but hopefully this way our coffee table will survive the kidos!
That was our hotel room. Our room here at the house has zero decoration. I guess I made it confusing calling it "our" bed though, whoops.
I don't think the blanket looks bad on the coffee table--it just looks like some kind of thick table cloth.
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