Okay I don't know what the deal is but my stupid computer won't let me post pictures. Every time I try it says that it has encountered an error and can't post pictures. Stupid technology! I have all these great ones from Jillians tattoo too. I think I'll email them to Jillian and maybe she can post them.
Anyway, we had a really good time in Salina this weekend. We got up there Friday night and had stew and played battle of the sexes. It was ridiculous because the questions were so insanely hard that no one could answer them. Then, in the morning, Mom, Jillian, me and Alex all went to Martinellis and shared a salad. MMMM.... so good! Alex is the weirdest baby ever. He loves lettuce! He was so cute. He had to wave at everybody we saw. When we were walking down to the antique shop he had to stop, pull his hand out of whoever was holding it, and wave at everyone that walked by. Isn't he friendly!? Oh yeah, he also says Josh really well. He's like one of his favorites when we're there. Whenever he sees a football or basketball he picks them up and brings it to Josh. Or if Josh isn't around he just says Josh nonstop. It's really cute too! Then, we went back to the house to put Alex down for a nap and then Jillian and I went to the tattoo shop which is just around the corner.
When we got to the tattoo shop it was packed. There wasn't a place to sit in the whole shop. Jillian started to get really nervous and I felt like her mom or something. I made sure to watch that they got a new needle out and clean everything very well. And, I also took a ton of pictures. Too bad I can't post them yet. The whole thing probably only took a few minutes to do and it turned out awesome. We were worried they wouldn't do it on the foot because we've heard of people who won't do it there. But, they did it there and it is the cutest spot.
Oh yeah, and when we got home we forgot to set the clocks ahead and so we missed church in the morning. We were actually going to be able to go for once and we were both looking forward to it. We were getting ready and then Alex brought daddy his watch. Nathan looked at his watch, then at the cable box, and then at his phone. He was like well Jenny we can't go because we forgot about the time change. It sucked. Oh, well, we tried.