Here is my first gun. It's uber cool! It's a Kahr PM9 9 millimeter. PM means pocket model, but my jeans are way too tight to pull that one off. We went to the range the other night and Alex's fave Rachel came over to watch him. I did pretty good with it for never shooting it before. It's a brand new gun and that was the first time we ever shot it so it jammed a lot, but by the end it was doing awesome. I was worried that because it was so little that it would kick a lot, but it wasn't bad at all. Man, I should've posted a pic of my target I brought home. I was trying to make a smiley face in the head portion, but it looked more like an upside down smiley face.
The first pictures are of Alex posing for the camera. He was so funny! He would run over to the couch, pose, and say cheese, and then he would run over to me to look at his picture on the camera. He just kept running back and forth posing and checking out his pic. So cute! I think you can tell in a couple that he's saying cheese. That's the only way I could get a smile out of him. He's so handsome.
So, I finally got to celebrate the other part of my birthday. On wednesday, I went to an Aveda salon in town and got a pedicure. Then, I went over to Gordmans and shopped for a long time. I tried on a lot of clothes. I tried on eight shirts and only like one. I probably would've liked more except that I didn't want to go up to a large and the mediums were just not working. Way too tight on the love handles and baby jelly. I also tried on four pairs of jeans and found a pair I love for only $22. I figured I should get something for Nathan too so I tried on three corsets and found one I like for $14. Oh, and I got a couple thongs and two necklaces which I love. I really like Gordmans cause they're uber cheap. So, I spent all my birthday money there. It's funny, usually I don't really like shopping by myself. I feel kind of lonely. But, this time it was awesome. I think because I got to spend as much time as I wanted picking things out and trying them on. I didn't have a husband whining about how long it takes or a baby getting antsy in the dressing room trying to open the door.
Well, here in a while we're going to be heading off to Salina to hang out with the fam. Jillian and I are going to get a tattoo for her. Should be fun!
To me that still seems like a big handgun, but I guess I picture something smaller for a pocket model. Like a miniature gun! Alex looks so much older now. I like his big boy outfit, he's stylin. Hayley just started doing that too with running to the camera to check out how she looks. You'll have to let me know how Jillian does with the tatoo! I can't believe she's going to go through with it, such a rebel only not really. Did your dad give her as much of a hard time as he did with you?
:) Alex is TOO cute! man...I need one of those! :)
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