Here's my new purse I bought today. Isn't it cute!? I've been wanting to get a new purse for a while now and I finally got one. I had seen a couple I liked yesterday and then today we went back. I was planning to get this white one I found, but then I found this one and had to get it.
Jillian, you have to post a pic of you in your prom dress!
I found a Hills buddy. I know I'm kind of a dork for being so into the show, but I love all the silly drama. Lauren, the girl I got the massage with, loves the Hills too. Crazy. We were supposed to watch tonight, but she had to fly down to Oklahoma to pick this guy up. So, we are going to watch it wednesday night. I don't know if I can wait that long. It's going to be hard.
So, Joy, how's the whole couch search going? I want to know if you've found one yet! I wish I could go shopping with you for one. I love furniture shopping. It's the best.
Well, Nathan and I got some shrimp cocktail rings from dillons. They were buy one get one free, and we love them. So, we're going to dig in!
That's an interesting purse. :) I smile because you know it's not my style but I am glad that you like it. Man, I cannot believe that Alex is almost 2, crazy. How the years have flown by. And Joy, I want to know about your couch search too!
I'll post my couch soon....and...your purse is indeed interresting.
That's what Nathan said about my purse. "It's interesting"
It is not interesting it is hideous! How could you wear such an ugly purse, aren't you ashamed to walk down the street with that on your arm!!!
Love Ya
(Maybe I'm exagerating a little.)
I had to laugh out loud at Jillian's comment. When Jeremy read my comment he said that it was very politically correct.
Ya, it's a Joanne comment! Not trying to offend anyone. Your cute!
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