Mom, Dad, Jillian, and Josh came out yesterday and hung out for a while. Jillian found a laptop at Bestbuy and they came out to pick it up. So, of course, they came over to visit. All the pictures with the weird white things were from yesterday. It was padding for Jillian's laptop. Then, it turned into a super cool toy! Alex was pretty funny with it. He didn't want anything to do with it at first. Then, he warmed up to the idea and had lots of fun. Then, he got tired of it pretty quickly. They took us out to the Brewery and we got some good food.
Today Alex found some keys that I didn't know existed in a coffee table drawer. He has had so much fun with those. He put them in a little slot in his lawn mower toy and thinks it's so cool. He keeps trying to find a spot to put them in his car. Poor guy. Nathan says he's going to cut a little hole in the car so Alex can put them in there. He thinks they are the coolest things!