Well, I don't really have anything exciting to post. There really hasn't been that much going on lately. Just the day to day things that keep me way too busy.
The first couple pictures is Nathan and me being silly and making funny faces. Then theres the one of Alex with mashed potatoes smeared ALL over his face. It was so gross but so cute at the same time. He even had it in his hair and eyelashes. Then, there are a couple pics from the farm at memorial day. Alex loved those little metal balls. Even though they're uber heavy, he would carry two of them around everywhere and sometimes try to throw them at people. That wasn't so good. Those things could hurt. He was also obsessed with the riding lawnmower. He just wanted to be on that thing all the time. It got to the point where he could get up there all on his own and he would ask for the key. He knew the key is what made it go. So, pappa would be nice and start it and ride around with him.
Nathan and I have gone on two dates this last week. Crazy huh. We won't be able to do that when the next baby comes. We've been seeing a lot of movies because dinner is kind of out of the question right now. I usually feel pretty sick at nights still and can't eat very much. We went to see Indiana Jones and the mystery of the crystal skulls. We didn't think it was as bad as you did Joy. I guess probably because you told me about the alien thing and we were kind of expecting it. And, also because I like about every movie out there. We also just saw Sex and the City. For a while it was on tv like every night as we were going to bed. There were two back to back episodes and we ended up watching like the whole series. Well, if you're into that show, the movie was awesome. Nathan even liked it.
The first time I really knew I felt the baby moving around was on memorial day on the drive out to the farm. I felt two very noticeable movements. Since then it's been very active. I'll just call the baby a he since that's what my guess is. Anyway, he goes crazy about every night. It's like he just jumps around all over. I tried to see if Nathan could feel it one night, but I guess it's still those movements that only I can feel. Even though to me they're so strong now I can't believe that you can't feel them when you put your hand on my stomach. It's pretty exciting when you feel those first movements. Especially after having the miscarriage. I am 11 weeks along now. I've been feeling better and having more energy. But, it's still not enough. I feel like I can barely get my housework done. But, at least I can do it now. I felt pretty bad that the house was such a disaster and Nathan wasn't getting any home cooked dinners. I just really couldn't do that stuff. The bathroom was so disgusting by the time I finally felt able to clean it. Oh, I've been getting cravings too. And, of course, they're all of the incredibly unhealthy things. I've been craving cheeseburgers, shakes, slushes, and mainly taco bell. I don't know what the deal is with taco bell, but that was a big one when I was pregnant with Alex.
Nathan was really sweet last night and ran out to dillons for me to pick up milk and nanners for Alex for the morning, then went by Wendys to get me a cheeseburger and a frosty. It was pretty funny how he went actually. I don't go out all that often without Nathan. Just because I don't really have that many places to go to except the grocery store and it's kind of nice to have him there to help. Anyway, the last time I went out by myself I got hollered at and whistled at. When I was getting gas, there was this uber nasty older mexican guy at the pump behind me and he kept yelling nasty things up to me. Then, when I was dropping off a movie at blockbuster there was some nasty white guy in an old hoopdy whistling out the window at me. GROSS! Well, I told Nathan about this and he was like well you just look too good. That was pretty nice to hear. Especially since I had no makeup on and my hair was all scary. So, he decided that he didn't want me to go out last night because he didn't want me to get hit on again. I was more than fine with that since I didn't really want to go out anyway and I got a cheeseburger and frosty out of it too.
We've been playing black hawk down again lately. There aren't like any good shows on tv anymore and so we've been playing every night. It's a pretty fun thing for us to do as a couple. And, having a laptop is nice. I lay on the bed in the office with some pillows propping me up with the computer on my lap. Since I never feel that great at night it's pretty nice.
I'm so excited for when Joanne, Jeremy, and Hayley come out. It's only a week away now! I'll be in my 12th week. So, I'm hoping I'll be feeling a lot better. We'll see. Riverfestival in Salina will be even more fun this year because the kiddos can do some little craft things. I'm thinking that we could make some buttons and get faces painted. I don't know how Alex will feel about getting his face painted though. He's kind of a fraidy cat.
Alex has been so sweet lately. He comes up and gives hugs and kisses all on his own. And, if you hurt yourself he says tay? Meaning are you okay. He says it over and over until you say ya, I'm okay. Yesterday morning Nathan scolded Alex for eating all the marshmellows out of his cereal first. This is something that drives Nathan nuts but doesn't really bother me. I figure he's going to eat all of it anyway so why does it matter what order he eats them in. Anyway, he told Alex to eat the brown ones. Later on we looked in Alex's cereal bowl and there were only marshmellows left. It was the cutest thing ever! Alex has this thing he does that drives Nathan and me crazy though. If we ask him to do something he usually says uhuh, or no, or shakes his head. I guess this is a real two year old thing to do. Anyway, we've been trying to break him of this because it is a very naughty thing. It's so cute sometimes though it's hard to scold him. We'll see how long this one takes.
Well, I could go on and on about things that aren't really all that interesting to most people. I'd better stop now though.
:) That's cute about the marshmallows. That's cool that you can feel the baby moving so much at just 11 weeks. :( wish I could be there for the river festival!
Want to see the baby!
I thought that was an interesting post! And I can't wait to see you either! I'm totally with you on doing the crafty stuff with the kids, they will love that! Hayley would probably like the face painting, but you never know how kids are going to react to strangers putting goey stuff on their faces. She likes getting lotion and sun screen put on her a lot. She can be a total girl sometimes!
FYI, I bought them LAST month! :)
:) I enjoy your posts...even when you don't think you have anything to say!
Wait, I'm confused you bought what last month?
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