These are some pictures from the festival and the last is just Alex and Daddy.
Well, first I have to tell everyone about my sweet hubby. On his week off his work called and asked if he could fly some people out to Goodland for some golf thing. He told them he would do it if I could come along. Mom and Dad were going to watch Alex and then at the last minute it got canceled. I was really looking forward to spending some one on one time with the hubby and was pretty disappointed it wasn't going to happen. Well, then Saturday rolled around and I said since we weren't really doing anything that day I wasn't going to do my hair or makeup. Nathan said that he was thinking we could go out to dinner that night. I'm like okay not thinking anything of it. Then, we're heading out to eat and he swings by the Richardsons to drop Alex off so it can be just us. I was like wow this is nice. We ate at Whiskey Creek Steakhouse downtown. We'd never been before and it was really good. Then, Nathan wanted to walk around a bit afterward. As we're walking he pulls me into this doorway to a very nice hotel. I'm like okay this is weird where are we going. He pulls out room keys. I was very surprised. I guess earlier he brought a bag by the hotel and had set up for the Richardsons to watch Alex over night. So then we get up to the hotel room and after looking around for a while decide to go walk around a little more. It kind of seemed like Nathan knew where he was going, but I usually follow him around cause I have a bad sense of direction and he has an amazingly good one. We come down to this area I'd never been before. It was really nice and ooh there's a theater down there. So, like it's my idea I say we should see get smart. Then, Nathan pulls two tickets out of his pocket for a showing in like thirty minutes. Shocked! He had planned out this whole really nice evening and totally surprised me with it! So, after the movie we go to this little cafe and get uber good ice cream. We sat and ate listening to live music and watching kids running through this open water fountain thing. It was so much fun. Everything worked out perfectly to Nathan's plan. Very romantic. He's good at that stuff!
Now on to baby news. We just had my fourteen week check up today. It was very quick. We went in, listened to the baby's heartbeat, set up next appt., peed in cup, and left. Going in to the doctor is not as fun as it was before our miscarriage and Joanne and Jeremy's loss. So, I was nervous. Hearing the baby's heartbeat was so encouraging! We set up an appointment for five weeks from now on the 30th of July. We'll have a sonogram first and find out the baby's sex and then have the normal checkup right afterward. It'll be fun! I'm so glad I'm passed that icky first trimester stuff. I'm feeling so much better now and have more energy. I'm making dinner regularly and keeping a clean house. It's so nice. So far I haven't gained any weight. My stomach is looking lots bigger though.
There's no way I'm posting pictures of our hideous back yard on here, but I'll email them to you Joanne.
Waiting for that picture! Hey, it was fun hearing the story from you over the phone. That was a great surprise!
:) Thanks for the update. That was a sweet thing of your hubby to do!
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