Here is the belly! Looking at these pictures now I think I'm doing pretty good! Sometimes I just seem so huge but these pics don't make me look quite so bad. This shirt is very forgiving too. It's my favorite maternity shirt and I love how it just hangs and doesn't make me look as ginormous as others do. It was funny the other day when I went with Nathan into his work all the girls there were like wow you've gotten so much bigger. I was surprised cause I didn't think I was that much bigger. It'll be interesting to see how I do in these next few months. I was fairly small at this stage with Alex too and then I exploded. So far I've gained 13 pounds. Doing pretty good so far! I'm really proud of myself for not gaining so much yet!
Oh and those first few pics of Alex are him with his cape and hat. He loves that show the wonderpets. He'll start saying wonderpets and bring me the pillowcase and hat. Then he'll say that he's either Lenny, Tuck, or Mingming. Usually he's Tuck! It's so cute!
Oh, what a cute belly!
OK, I guess I will get brave and have Chris take a pic of mine soon.
That is so funny with Alex and the cape and hat! Sean loves that show too and he is always trying to build a fly boat with all of his toys!
Congrats on the weight gain, you are doing awesome!
Ooo, what a pretty shirt! Your belly looks pretty good! That is SO stinkin cute about Alex and that show, I've never seen it, what channel is it on? (you should email me those pictures of him in the cape and hat!)
You look so cute! And different with that hair...did you dye it recently? It looks a lot blonder. I have now gained 15 lbs. I'm beating you! ;) Alex is so cute in his get up! Is that the hat you were telling me about? We still have never seen that show. For some reason we can never catch it when it's on.
That is so cute that Sean tries to make a fly boat! That is honestly Nathan and my favorite of Alex's cartoons. It's on nickelodeon and usually on around 8 or 9 or something in the morning.
I highlighted my hair about a month ago and I really like it right now. It's getting longer. We'll see how long I can get it.
big belly, but not quite like last time.
Haha! I'm not to the finish line yet! I had my doc appointment yesterday. I guess I gained nine pounds since last month's appointment! I really like how my scale lies to me but I don't like finding out just how much!
You look great! I love the pregnancy belly, so cute. That is adorable about Alex too. I love a kid's imagination :)
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