Alex's birthday was on the tenth, but I'm just now getting these pics up. Our big four year old! Mom, Dad, Jillian, and Josh came out on the ninth to celebrate Alex's bday, mother's day, and Dad's bday. We had a really good time. I made a batch of Monna's(Nathan's grandma) turkey tacos. Super yummy! We gave him his big birthday present, his bike, on that day. The picture of him looking at it was the first time he saw it:) Grandma and Pappa gave him the Cars cars box.
We wanted to make his actual birthday special too so we planned a few things for the next day. Alex and I went out to Dillons so he could pick out the stuff to make and decorate his cake with. I had him help out and he told me later that that was his favorite part of his birthday. After that, I took him out to see his first movie How to Train your Dragon. He was so cute with his popcorn and drink and he was soooo into the movie. Then, we went and got him a happy meal and he blew out the candles on his cake and then opened other presents. I think it was a good day. Can't believe it's been four years!
May I just say, you are such a cute mom! Love the pic of you and the kids posing in the kitchen, like, how adorable is that!?! How cool that Alex likes cooking too! And he sure seemed to like his bike as well! Sweet ride! Sounds like he had a pretty special two day birthday celebration. Looks like he was feeling super loved! Popcorn at a movie theater, and then a Happy Meal, he was probably overwhelmed with excitedness! I love his smile, he is growing up so fast. And now to go off to preschool, how awesome is that. He is going to love it! You know Addison is going to want to go too after she sees big brother going. :) Kids grow up so fast! Give Alex & Addison a hug for me, ok? And a kiss too! Miss you a lot too!
Well thanks! I think I like being called a cute mom:) He had a super good birthday! I'll give them lots of hugs and kisses from aunt Joanne!
No surprise that making his cake was his favorite part. T loves to help make things in the kitchen with me, he has his own apron. That sounds like the perfect birthday for a little guy.
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