Well, this first pic is of Batman the baby robin we found in the backyard. He was hopping around and couldn't fly yet. Nathan was worried about him so he brought him in and was feeding him yesterday. Poor guy made it through the night but bit the dust late morning.
Nathan's dad flew out last week to help Nathan with a project. They built a new gate for the backyard. It turned out super good and you can actually open it, unlike our old one:) We had a really good time while he was out. It was good to catch up and watch some movies and eat some tasty meals! Good bonding time for the men especially:) I think Nathan learned a few things. Now he can fix our fence that is about to be blown over. lol!
We just got our tree in the front yard trimmed this morning. We've been meaning to get to it for over a year now. It looks so much better and isn't hanging on our roof anymore, which was the big problem.
Here are my marigolds. They're all blooming! Can't believe I could actually grow flowers from seeds. It's amazing! We'll see if the other flowers bloom. I think something has been chewing on them.
Addison feeding her baby with the boppy. So cute! She had watched me feeding little Ethan earlier and wanted to try it out:)
Oh, the pic of me is my highlights I did this morning.
Cool highlights!
Cool that your DIL could come out and help you guys build a gate!
Cool that your flowers grew! I know how much this means to you! They look great!
Cool that the tree trimming is off your list now! I know how much this means to you too! I bet you are feeling good now that things are getting done.
Lol! Lots of cools! We just got our ceiling fan put up in our bedroom so I might have to post a pic soon:)
I bet Alex flet like one of the boys when the men were fixing/building the gate. Wow! Your marigolds are way ahead of mine down here and I started mine from seed too. I bet yours are prettier colors (deep red and orange) then what mine will be (straight orange). I feel so much better too when trees and bushes are trimmed too. I couldn't do without a ceiling fan in the bedroom!
ya, I'm really surprised that they've turned out so well! My other flowers I planted just started blooming too and they look pretty cool!
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